Thursday, December 02, 2010

weird, restless dreams

these days...

I wanted to get one of the strangest, most vivid, down:

Home, some home. A bit more rustic that my usual style. There were things, not unpleasant, that happened before the strange end of the dream began. I don't remember those parts.

Dana and Jack were home with me. I was working on a project on the dining room's wooden floor. Dana was behind me in the kitchen; Jack was in the adjoining living room, also involved in a project on the floor. We were all pleasantly chit chatting. For some reason, I put my head down on the floor- in fatigue, most likey. I felt a pull from under the floor, toward the near wall- as if there was a magnet under there, and my head contained metal. It startled me, and I jolted up. With this action, the pull disappeared. Only briefly. As I sat there, a bit scared, the pull began to scoot me cross-legged across the floor. In a panic now, I tried to stop myself by grasping at chair legs. But soon, I was to the wall, and then... And then I don't know what. I felt a strange sensation. I stood up and ran over to Dana to ask if he had witnessed the strangeness. As I did so, I noticed Dana and Jack's conversation sounded muffled. I started to talk to Dana, but he did not seem to hear. I touched him, and he startled. But he could not see me, or hear me. I ran to Jack and embraced his face with my hands, in a panic. He made the most disturbing, startled face- but again, looked right through me. I thought I might be trapped in some sort of dimensional bubble, but then I had a great fear that I had died. That I was a ghost. I thought that it might be soon enough after to death to revive myself, and so I set about the task of waking myself up, to make sure I was not, indeed, dead. It took me quite sometime after waking up to convince myself that I was still alive.


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