Monday, March 27, 2006

The Tearing Out of the Guts v.4

These songs also make the list:

Legal Tender -- B-52's -- this song is SO HAPPY. And SO PERFECT.
Love Will Tear Us Apart -- Joy Division -- Until recently, I forgot how much I love Joy Division, and especially this song, which I have been listening to about five times a day. Usually right after I have listened to Legal Tender ten times.
In the Morning of the Magicians -- Flaming Lips --I had this on the first list, but removed it for some reason. It really needs to stay. It's been on rotation at work for over a year, and STILL every time it comes on, I stop and bask in the glory of it.
Dreams -- Fleetwood Mac -- This song has been coming around a lot lately.
Space Oddity -- David Bowie -- Jack's been pulling out the Bowie records, and he thought his favorite song was Starman, but last night he rediscoverd this one-- which happens to be my fave. Cute, because I was about Jack's age when I fell in love with this song. We just sat in wonder, listening.

and as long as we're going there...

Fame -- David Bowie -- This one floors me every time I hear it because my first clear memory of dancing is to this song. My parents were heavy into music, and spent a great amount of time collecting and listening to records (We eventually built a special room in our house for listening to music, and also to contain the thousands of albums we had.) They would stay up really late spinning records, and I would try to keep myself awake to hear all the wonderfulness. One late late night when I was about 5, I was so moved by Fame, I jumped out of bed and started dancing around my room in the moonlight.
Ashes to Ashes -- David Bowie -- I'm obviously hooked on Major Tom. This was the first video I saw on MTV, in what, '80? '81? Again with this one, it's the visual memory that keeps it so close to my heart. I was simply blown away when I saw this on the television.

I really could go on and on and on with the Bowie, because I have literally a lifetime of favorites, but I'm going to stop.

In fact, I should just make a few of these lists based on songs that were tearing my guts out when I was a little one, and on up through the years. I can still see, and feel and smell, all those records in my mind. I sure wish my mom hadn't lost them when she divorced my stepdude. She tried so hard to keep them, too. And I sure wish I could've gone back to Texas and collected all of them when he died last year. Those records were all he was ever good for.

I really miss the records.

OH MAN! Dana just turned me on to this, just right now, which is just about the funniest thing we have ever seen! (HINT: Have someone read, or yell, it outloud to you!)


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