Sunday, November 20, 2005

It's all in me.

Caddo Indian Mound in Eastern Texas
Originally uploaded by Skito.
I was raised in a beautifully decrepid farmhouse in a one road town in rural Arkansas. Also on this very long road which ended at Dooley's Ferry on The First Old River, were sugar cane fields, Caddo Indian burial mounds and the remnants of an African American community that had been established at the end of the Civil War. I had a playmate down the road who lived in a dirt floored lean to with her large extended family. I remember all of these things feeling very, very heavy to me as a child. But I also felt this sort of enchantment, this sweet deep spirit of the land. These are my first clear memories, and most favorite times, of childhood. It's so crazy to be so far away from those times, in so many ways, and look back and realize that not much has changed-- still so much heaviness for the heart and head, but also so many beautiful spells to fall under.


At 1:44 AM, Blogger s.k.namanny said...

These are the beautiful facets of you that people know without knowing.
The idea of someone's past contributing to their current loveliness is so foriegn, but you proved it can be done.


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