Monday, December 13, 2010

It is incredibly hard to concentrate on the task in front of me at any given moment. My mind drifts and wanders.

Everything seems exaggerated. Those tiny, common moments of hope, sadness, frustration, contentment that are present always in varying degrees, are magnified- felt stronger, last longer. Feel incredibly important instead of fleeting.

I'm lost in thought. I'm searching, searching.

I can't seem to exhaust my mind, and so I exhaust my body in hopes of putting my mind to bed with my tired muscles... I can't sleep anyway, and day after day exist in this all out exhausted state. And yet, I press on, insatiable, unrelenting.

But I'm somehow more pleasant than usual. More forgiving. I have a clarity of mind that drives my interactions- being fully present in the world, offering up my best self. How could I ask this of someone else, and not of myself?

But I do wish I could sleep.


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