Sunday, April 02, 2006

Let's start another disaster.

I have been having so many bad dreams lately. Some are nightmares, some are just not good feeling. Dana has also had a rough time in dream world lately. He has actually been yelling out in his sleep. I have been sleeping in the bed with this man for 14 years, and NEVER has he yelled out in his sleep, now it has happened three times in two weeks. Something is very strange here.
I had a very dark dream this morning, though it never felt unpleasant. It doesn't feel unpleasant now, either, but the imagery was very bleak, and very beautiful. I was riding a bicycle with my mother and maybe one of her sisters alongside, with a full sized Jack curled up tiny in a backpack on my back. We were not in our town. There was a storm looming in the distance, and I was trying to beat it home. At some point, I left the ladies behind and was racing into the storm on my own. The sky was black and low, and the rain hurt, it was coming down so hard. There was lightning touching down all around me, and I was weaving in and out of it. I realized I would never make it all the way home, and that I was very near an elementary school that I was familiar with because of relations with my school. I knew a teacher there, and I knew she would let Jack and I hang out til the storm cooled. When we arrived at The Kennedy School (this school does not exist, as far as I know), Mrs. Daniels (it was my first grade teacher!- but in this dream she was the mother of one of my actual real life co workers??) was kind and kept us company. Jack was never actually pulled out of my backpack, he just stayed curled up in there, comfortable and safe, for the entirity of the dream. As time went on, I felt I was in the way at the school-- the hall was very narrow, and for some reason I kept finding myself standing in it, being bumped into. I was in and out of rooms filled with bright blue maps on the walls, but always ended up cramped back in the hallway. Then I started to get a bad vibe from Mrs. Daniels. I noticed the storm had passed, and cut outta there. I set off on foot-- I have no idea what happened to the bike-- up a hill toward home. I had my camera in my hand. I noticed a gorgeous sunset scene through a break in the trees on the opposite side of the road. Turns out, I was walking along the edge of a deep valley, and on the other side of the valley were very tall and snowy mountains. I stopped to take a picture of the million blues of the mountain dusk, and suddenly one of the mountains became a violently erupting volcano. I switched my camera to movie mode, and stood there forever watching on my LCD the hot lava bury the valley. It was pitch black dark, except for the red glow, and I stood there thinking it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Eventually, I resumed my trek up the hill, and wondered at my absence of fear throughout the ordeals of the evening.


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