Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Would the Title Be?

I have often considered over the past year taking on the task of writing a book.

I desire to compile all of my thoughts, writings, and correspondance from the one of the most traumatic years of my adult life.
How DO people feel about having their letters published? The sheer volume of thoughts worked out on paper throughout this year has been astounding.

I received this from a dear friend recently, and it would most definitely make the cut:
"I am amazed by your endurance and grace."

I need to see myself through others' eyes every so often. It helps me keep things in perspective.
How would pulling it all together- the good, the bad, and the ugly- help me, or others?

Can't Hold Back the Flow

The universe is wide open right now, as is my heart- and it must be written all over my face. After starting the week off by visiting my own history, I've had two families in as many days pour out their own personal histories to me in the context of what should have just been a standard interview: tales of intensely joyous first love, Olympic feats, and soul searching travels. Now I get the privilege of telling their stories to the community, and I'm in just the space to do them justice, I believe.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My heart is opened in new ways. Old ways, new. I spent a weekend home, and caught a glimpse of my young heart there. Who I was, who my friends were, all the wonderful, fulfilling parts- and forgot about the domineering horror that has for so long blocked the beauty. I saw how many people I really loved then, and who I was to them, though I had accidentally put them out of mind. I felt their love right back. Texarkana is a bummer of a town, but there were so many good experiences.

I feel like my whole self today. I’ve felt I’ve had two lives- the then and the now- and this trip has allowed me to see them as one for the first time. It’s indescribable.