Monday, March 27, 2006

The Tearing Out of the Guts v.4

These songs also make the list:

Legal Tender -- B-52's -- this song is SO HAPPY. And SO PERFECT.
Love Will Tear Us Apart -- Joy Division -- Until recently, I forgot how much I love Joy Division, and especially this song, which I have been listening to about five times a day. Usually right after I have listened to Legal Tender ten times.
In the Morning of the Magicians -- Flaming Lips --I had this on the first list, but removed it for some reason. It really needs to stay. It's been on rotation at work for over a year, and STILL every time it comes on, I stop and bask in the glory of it.
Dreams -- Fleetwood Mac -- This song has been coming around a lot lately.
Space Oddity -- David Bowie -- Jack's been pulling out the Bowie records, and he thought his favorite song was Starman, but last night he rediscoverd this one-- which happens to be my fave. Cute, because I was about Jack's age when I fell in love with this song. We just sat in wonder, listening.

and as long as we're going there...

Fame -- David Bowie -- This one floors me every time I hear it because my first clear memory of dancing is to this song. My parents were heavy into music, and spent a great amount of time collecting and listening to records (We eventually built a special room in our house for listening to music, and also to contain the thousands of albums we had.) They would stay up really late spinning records, and I would try to keep myself awake to hear all the wonderfulness. One late late night when I was about 5, I was so moved by Fame, I jumped out of bed and started dancing around my room in the moonlight.
Ashes to Ashes -- David Bowie -- I'm obviously hooked on Major Tom. This was the first video I saw on MTV, in what, '80? '81? Again with this one, it's the visual memory that keeps it so close to my heart. I was simply blown away when I saw this on the television.

I really could go on and on and on with the Bowie, because I have literally a lifetime of favorites, but I'm going to stop.

In fact, I should just make a few of these lists based on songs that were tearing my guts out when I was a little one, and on up through the years. I can still see, and feel and smell, all those records in my mind. I sure wish my mom hadn't lost them when she divorced my stepdude. She tried so hard to keep them, too. And I sure wish I could've gone back to Texas and collected all of them when he died last year. Those records were all he was ever good for.

I really miss the records.

OH MAN! Dana just turned me on to this, just right now, which is just about the funniest thing we have ever seen! (HINT: Have someone read, or yell, it outloud to you!)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What I need.


a bbq with my crew. love and food and total amazingness.


While reading the latest ish of my favorite mag last night, I looked up to the right corner of the page to check the time. CHECK THE TIME. ON A MAGAZINE PAGE. I think this is a sign that I do too much internet reading.

I think I'll go right now to start that sewing project I've been drawing in my head. I should maybe also consider doing a bit more of this:

so fun

Friday, March 17, 2006

A funny taste in my mouth, and a tryyped out head zone.

I just got home from an MRI. A scan of my head/neck/top o' my bod to see why the heck I haven't seen much improvement since the car accident last summer.

While waiting oh so patiently to go to my appointment this late evening, I had visions of a massive Kubrick 2001 meditation zone. It was definitely NOT THAT on the outside, but the inner zone was better than expected. It was tiny-- I have no idea how they get anyone bigger than me into the tube-- so I HAD to keep my eyes closed to keep my claustrophobia in check. I was in for a total of 30 minutes. The scans were done in lengths of 1, 3, or 5 minutes. Each scan started with a 'clap track', basically, which was totally amusing. And then EPIC SOUNDS began. I know a handful of total dujas that could have made the best songs ever out of these sounds, if they could only get a mic in there. It would start with short tones, one above my head, and then one by my right ear, and then one from the vicinity of my left shoulder blade, etc. Then, the beats would come. There were at least three layers of beats at any given moment, some muffled as if from the outside of the machine, some sounding like the surface of the machine was knocked and also some very close internal tiny taps. Literally layers. On some of the scans, a very large and loud sound would surround me- sometimes like a weather warning speaker, or a riding lawnmower, and then smaller sounds that seemed like the machine breathing would come in underneath. The big sounds would drone on for the length of the scan, and I would get lost in the layers, like some hardcore ambient masterpiece.

Nothing that I'm saying even comes close, sadly.
I WAS INSIDE THE MACHINE. I COULD FEEL THE SOUNDS IN MY BODY. IT WAS SOOOO LOUD. DEEP DEEP TRYYPS. I felt so heavy and droned when they pulled me out of there. I really liked it a lot. Best show I've been to in awhile.

See to find out a little bit about where the sounds come from...