Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today, while observing a student working in one of the classrooms, she looked up and upon seeing me smiled and said, "I was wondering, what is that light shining over me, and it was YOU!" My heart!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Thanksgiving is every day.

Today, I am thankful that even though some friendships have ended quite roughly, the ending, for me, has not colored the years of amazing experiences we had together. Looking back, it all still looks and feels beautiful and fun, as it truly was, before it all went terribly, terribly wrong.

Old pictures still bring a smile or a laugh, though they are tinged with a bit of bittersweet. I am thankful to not have a blanket emotional reaction based in hurt or confusion that pretends nothing was ever good, because it was- up to a point. That would be a lie, and I don’t want to carry a lie in my heart.